Year: 2023

How to make my favorite meal.

How To Make My Favorite Meal.

One of my favorite meals to make is French Toast and if you don’t know how to make my French Toast I will  teach you. The first step to make French Toast is to grab your dry ingredients which will be a Bowl, Pan, Plate, Spatula or a  whisker or any utensil you want.

The wet ingredients you would need are Butter, 4 Eggs, Salt, Pepper and Syrup. If you’re wondering why I said Syrup it’s because that is what you will be adding once your French Toast is made. 

After you grab all of your dry and wet ingredients you can start cooking but first you will need to put it on your stove and you will need to put it on 375 degrees but if you have a different stove like me you will need to put it on 8 or 7 degrees.

Once you’re done with the stove you will need to place your pan onto the stove and let it heat up for a little bit. While it’s heating up you have to crack your eggs into a bowl and you will need to whisk your eggs with a whisk, Spoon or a fork whichever you like.

While you’re whisking your eggs you will need to put butter on your pan so that when you dip your bread into your eggs and place it on the stove it will not stick to the pan. Once you place your break onto the pan you will need to leave it there for a minute or so. Once you think it’s done, flip it over before it becomes burnt. When you finish making your French Toast you can pour Syrup but if you don’t have any you can just add Butter, Nutella, Jam and if you  don’t want to add those just have a cup of tea or a drink with your French Toast.



Confucius 🇨🇳


Confucius is well known as the first teacher in China who really wanted to make education available and who was active in establishing the art of teaching as a life work. 

Confucius was born in the 22nd year of the reign of Duke Xiang of Lu (551 BCE). 

One of Confucius quotes are 

“Worry not that no one knows you; seek be worth knowing- Confucius”.

“I slept and dreamt life is beautiful, I woke up and found life is duty”. 

“Think of tomorrow, the past can’t be mended”. 

“Respect yourself and others will respect you”.

“A gentleman would be ashamed should his deeds not match his words”.

“If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher”.

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it”.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop”.

“When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them”.

Confucius’s hometown was Qufu where he was born and raised there.

It has no creator but is based on rules of conduct. 

Confucius had started his teaching career when he was only 24 years old.

Confucius was famous for philosophy and for being China’s 1st teacher.

Confucius’s father was also a warrior but sooner or later his father had died.

Confucius had six different statues of himself, but one statue of himself is extremely special and it stays in the temple of Beijing.

Ki O Rahi Tournament 2023

Ki O Rahi Tournament 2023

On the 13th of June 2023 Saint Patrick’s had a Ki O Rahi Tournament.

 The first thing was to get changed into our house colours but if you don’t have a colour that is your house colour you can just wear your pe. 

After we got changed into our pe we had to look on the board and see which team is going up next, once the bell rang for morning tea Totora, Rimu, Rata and Kauri had to go and line up in there houses, once they lined up in there houses Mr bell had introduced us to our KellySports coaches and their names are Coach Trey and Coach James.

After they introduced themselves they said that the first team to verse is Kauri Vs Rata and they picked the people who will be playing, if you’re not picked then you can just sit on the side while cheering for them. While Rata and Kauri were playing the teams that were not playing had to go to class and just wait for their turn to play. 

The winner between Kauri and Rata was Kauri. After Kauri and Rata Versed it was Totara vs Rimu next. My team is Totara but I played for Rata because one of their teammates was away. The winner between Totara and Rimu was Totara and it was really fun watching my team play and I almost lost my voice because I was screaming for my team alot.                                                                          

After Totara and Rimu versed it was Kauri and Totaras turn and the winner was Kauri. I really enjoyed watching them verse and my voice was hurting cause I cheered really loud that people were covering their ears. 

Once Totara and Rimu finished playing, the bell rang for morning tea, during morning tea I rested a little bit because I’m going up next. I took a big sip of water to heal my throat because it was aching.

  After morning tea it was my turn to play and it was rata vs rimu. During the game I was really anxious because I was scared I would let rata down.  But I did really well. 

After I finished playing it was Lunch time because we had a really long game. Once the bell rang for Lunch we did karakia and got out and we sat under the canopy and ate our food.

During Lunch we played and were warming up for our final games and the final games are Kauri vs Rimu and Totara vs Rata. The first game was Kauri vs Rimu and Kauri won against Rimu. The game was really fun and even though I am not in Kauri doesn’t mean I can’t cheer for them.

 After they played it was Totara and Rata next and Rata won because they cheated because their captain subbed out his own teammate and got a boy from Kauri to play. 

It was really unfair but I tried to not get angry but at the end of the day I did my best and had a great time. This is the best sports tournament that I ever had and played.


E Pro 8 2023


E Pro8

On the 8th of May E Pro 8 was so kind that they  gave us another chance to experience engineering. I was extremely excited cause this is my second time doing E Pro8 and that means I get to show the yr 6s how to be an engineer. 

On the first day we walked into class and saw 6 black boxes lined up in an order after that we all got our E Pro 8 workbooks.  After we got our workbooks we had to see who we were working with and the people I was working with were Justine and Grace

. After that we  came up with a team name and it was called J.J.G 3 Engineers. After that we  watched our first video and our first video was building a box. 

For our first project we had to build a box and we had to use Red Joiners, Blue Joiners, Screws and Bolts. Our box had to be 700mm long and 400mm wide. It was pretty hard and confusing at first but we got the hang of it. 

Our second Project was Blowing up a hut. The things we had to use were Red Joiners, Blue Joiners, Screws and bolts. Our hut has four legs and a floor that has to be 700mm wide and 400mm long so that when there is a flood the water level rises to 500mm above the ground. So our floor must be high enough to remain dry when there is a flood. 

For our last and final project we had to build a Dump Truck and the things we had to build it with were our sticks, Red Joiners, Blue Joiners, Axles, Wheels and Ropes. It was extremely difficult to build because people were arguing with each other and some people were just bossing people around.  But in the end we had a wonderful time. 

If you were wondering why we had a little time, it’s because it was a school up north’s turn to experience engineering and I hope they are having a great time.

What Does ANZAC Day Mean To Me?

What Does ANZAC Day Mean To Me?

Anzac Day Is Celebrated on the 25th of April. But what does ANZAC day mean to me?. Well I don’t really celebrate ANZAC Day unfortunately but I can tell you what I do on ANZAC Day. But on ANZAC Day I just have a big sleep because ANZAC day for me is a day off from school and work.

But on ANZAC Day I also make ANZAC Biscuits with my sisters cause I thought that is a better way to celebrate ANZAC Day instead of sleeping in. The Ingredients to make ANZAC Biscuits are Butter, Golden Syrup, Flour, Sugar, Rolled out oats, Brown Sugar and Desiccated Coconuts.

I really Love ANZAC DAY because that gives me time to spend time with my family because they are normally busy.

Saint Patrick’s Day

On the 17th of March we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day and we played sports but first we went to church and Father  useafa talked about the feast day of Saint Patrick’s. 


Fast forward mass ended and we went back to school. After the bell rang we went and sat down under the canopy while waiting for Mrs Bullot to announce what team we were in. The games we played were Gumboot Throw, Scatter ball, Sack Race, Hoops and T ball. 


Each Team has a name and they are Irish names. I don’t remember the names sadly but one of the names is Lephercun. After Sorting out the teams we had to go to the classes we are assigned to play with. During the game Mrs Bullot Rang the bell so that means we switch to other classes.


After a while we finished playing games and we had to go to the canopy to eat ice blocks. They were delicious and I was extremely exhausted and sleepy. I felt like I was going to faint but it was a great and fun day. It was one of the best memories in my entire life.

Saint Patrick’s Jubilee/Saint Patrick’s 175th Birthday

On The 19th of March Our church had a Jubilee. But first we had a 2 hour mass and we had three priests leading our mass and their names are Father Useafa, Father Murphy and Father Peter. They were talking about Saint Patrick’s Day and also saying how Saint Patrick’s is a lucky school because we have a cemetery near us. 

We also had a Tongan Traditional Tau’Olunga in the middle of mass. It was absolutely beautiful and I admired how there was a baby being carried on a chair by a bunch of men while holding the bible amazingly right. 

Fast Forward mass ended and we made our way to the hall for morning tea and to also watch some Polynesian dances and performed a kapa haka with Saint Patrick’s. It was fun because we didn’t just perform a kapa haka we also sang three beautiful songs.The three songs are Irish Blessing, Mo Maria and Karanga e.

 The communities that performed were the Tongan, Samoan and Filipino communities. All three were delightful and amazing and I loved it. After watching the dances it was time to eat. But the adults had to go first and they took forever. 

The kids had to wait for more than 1 hour. I felt like i was going to blow up cause how starved I was but after a million  hours it was time to eat but when it was my turn to grab my food the food was almost finished.

 Bummer right but for dessert we had a humongous bowl of strawberry ice cream. It was finished in minutes. Crazy right we should’ve won the world record for finishing an ice cream bowl in minutes nah just joking.

But the only reason why I came to the Jubilee is because I wanted to celebrate the 175th Birthday of Saint Patrick’s Parish and that is all that matters.