Ki O Rahi Tournament 2023

Ki O Rahi Tournament 2023

On the 13th of June 2023 Saint Patrick’s had a Ki O Rahi Tournament.

 The first thing was to get changed into our house colours but if you don’t have a colour that is your house colour you can just wear your pe. 

After we got changed into our pe we had to look on the board and see which team is going up next, once the bell rang for morning tea Totora, Rimu, Rata and Kauri had to go and line up in there houses, once they lined up in there houses Mr bell had introduced us to our KellySports coaches and their names are Coach Trey and Coach James.

After they introduced themselves they said that the first team to verse is Kauri Vs Rata and they picked the people who will be playing, if you’re not picked then you can just sit on the side while cheering for them. While Rata and Kauri were playing the teams that were not playing had to go to class and just wait for their turn to play. 

The winner between Kauri and Rata was Kauri. After Kauri and Rata Versed it was Totara vs Rimu next. My team is Totara but I played for Rata because one of their teammates was away. The winner between Totara and Rimu was Totara and it was really fun watching my team play and I almost lost my voice because I was screaming for my team alot.                                                                          

After Totara and Rimu versed it was Kauri and Totaras turn and the winner was Kauri. I really enjoyed watching them verse and my voice was hurting cause I cheered really loud that people were covering their ears. 

Once Totara and Rimu finished playing, the bell rang for morning tea, during morning tea I rested a little bit because I’m going up next. I took a big sip of water to heal my throat because it was aching.

  After morning tea it was my turn to play and it was rata vs rimu. During the game I was really anxious because I was scared I would let rata down.  But I did really well. 

After I finished playing it was Lunch time because we had a really long game. Once the bell rang for Lunch we did karakia and got out and we sat under the canopy and ate our food.

During Lunch we played and were warming up for our final games and the final games are Kauri vs Rimu and Totara vs Rata. The first game was Kauri vs Rimu and Kauri won against Rimu. The game was really fun and even though I am not in Kauri doesn’t mean I can’t cheer for them.

 After they played it was Totara and Rata next and Rata won because they cheated because their captain subbed out his own teammate and got a boy from Kauri to play. 

It was really unfair but I tried to not get angry but at the end of the day I did my best and had a great time. This is the best sports tournament that I ever had and played.


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