Year: 2024

My Daily Life


I took a look around my new place and room. It feels weird that my brain can’t function. I like my new room but sometimes I miss my privacy as I live in a zoo now and privacy doesn’t exist at my new place since I am mostly surrounded by human beings 24/7. It’s 2:30 in the afternoon and my eardrums feel like they are going to burst by the sounds of adults screaming and shouting, kids crying and throwing huge tantrums, my eye sockets feel like they are going to explode from the looks of my now atrocious room rubbish everywhere, my own poop the smell feels like acid to my nose and makes my stomach nauseous.  Another day went by and I felt like disappearing from this place. I dislike it alot. I got random objects thrown at myself for not entertaining families who came to the zoo today but it’s so exhausting entertaining people everyday and every hour I just want and need a break from everything and everyone, words that hurt my feelings being yelled and chucked at me. I am so worn out and drained that I am just going to find a lovely corner inside of my room and just lay there, drowning myself in my thoughts.

Stations of The Cross

Good Friday was a very special day as that was the day Jesus was crucified on the cross. My class re-enacted  “The Stations of The Cross” as it is more understandable for the young children while it also teaches us a message that no matter how hard things get, keep going. 


In our act my female classmates and I  played the woman of Jerusalem wearing robes and veils.


Second  stations: The soldiers made Jesus take up and carry this heavy and wooden cross. 


Eighth station: Women of Jerusalem are devastated and crying as they see Jesus carrying this heavy cross on his shoulders while sweating from exhaustion.


The second and eighth stations were the two stations that in fact mixed my emotions around.  Seeing how my classmate who played Jesus took up and carried the heavy wooden cross.  


It made me feel blue seeing how exhausted Jesus must’ve felt carrying the burden of the cross. Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem who were sobbing showing us how much He loves us and will never leave us to suffer alone, even when we are in our loneliest chapters in life.


But the act that made my emotions blow up was the part where my classmate Daniel sang “Were you There” and to tell the truth his singing was fantastic and glorious. No words can explain how smooth the rhythm of his voice was, it was just magnificent.


The Stations taught and showed us a message that no matter how much we struggle and sin, Jesus’s everlasting love for us will never end. 


My Lenten Backpack.

Give food to the poor. Love for the poor and lonely. Letters of positive thoughts and writing for people in pain and for people who need it for there “Quote Of The Day”. Give away stuff you do not need for the people who really need it like clothes, shoes and food. Bibles, Rosary and Paper with a prayer on it to spread some love and God’s word for people who are struggling really need it and for anyone in general.

What Lent Means To Me.

This photo right here means a lot to me. It tells me that when you can’t sleep or when your free you can take some time to talk to god because he is always waiting for you even though you are far away from him and God will wait even if it takes a lot of years and months. As God wants to prove his love for us by waiting for us to return back to God.