Day: August 10, 2022

Kaitiakitanga Trip

On Friday the 5’th Room 7 went on a trip to Cornwall park and the view was amazing there. We split into 2 groups and went with 3 girls named Lisa and Charli.

They talked about trees,rocks and pine cones. We also saw traps like wax traps,tim traps and tracking tunnels. We also had to beware of mouse traps. Right after that we went to explore trees and we saw spider webs and spider babies. They looked like they were having a spider party and a spider hotel.

Right after that we switched with Chirs Judd and he told and showed us animal traps so if any animal got captured in one of them he also showed the totara and kauri tree. It was so immaculate and beautiful that I almost fainted.

After that both groups met up and we had lunch and talked after we ate,Chriss and my teacher Mr Bell decided to play a game. We got into two teams and we played snakes and letters with Chris and it was a fun game. I enjoyed it really much.

Once we finished playing the bus came to pick us up and took us home.I think it was a pretty effective day.